8ball: Magic 8ball: Magic - Cross Chain Ethereum ZEFI 8ball Bridge

How To: Get 8ball EBL in your Keplr Wallet from Burning Ethereum $ZEFI ERC-20

8ball is cross-chain. It speaks to Ethereum, Tron, Bitcoin, Zclassic now, and hopefully hundreds of more blockchains in the future.

8ball was designed to minimize transaction fees, because we all hate high gas fees.

8ball is easy. You do everything from inside your metamask extension. No need to go to any other websites. Websites add unecessary security risks.

  1. Get $ZEFI on Ethereum (ERC-20 Token)
  2. Burn 🔥 $ZEFI on Ethereum
  3. Export your Private Key from Metamask
  4. Import your Private Key into Keplr

Step 1: $Zefi ERC-20 on Ethereum

ZEFI Network was created from a fair coin burn event on the Zclassic Blockchain in 2020.

390,096.75420564 ZCL were sent to t1ZefiGenesisBootstrapBURNxxxyfs71k and burned forever in 246 transactions

ZEFI Token Contract on Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/token/0x484de83cbc88566e9e13eb97f4717a0803809240

Buy / Sell $ZEFI on Uniswap

You can go to uniswap att https://app.uniswap.org/

You will also need to install Metamask Web Browser Extension https://metamask.io/

Copy the correct $ZEFI contract advice into the token list to swap

Swap some $ETH for $ZEFI

Check for $ZEFI in your Metamask

Import the Token Address to Metamask

Confirm the import

Forward to Step 2: Burn 🔥 $ZEFI on Ethereum --->